Saturday, 5 December 2015

My Reversion


Like I said earlier I'm a revert to Islam.

I used to be Christian. Like *REALLY* Christian. You know, one of the really annoying happy clappy ones.

And then I met A. He was my taxi driver on a long journey back from a friends wedding. We really hit it off (I still think God works in mysterious ways), and became good friends. He's a none practicing Muslim- but anyway - He came over and he was showing me some stuff. Because he said  And I started thinking. How can one God be three things? How can God and Jesus be the same? It just doesn't make sense.

And if Christianity was the true religion...then why are there so many denominations? I mean even now, thinking about can there be so many denominations? Surely, if Christianity WAS Gods unchanged word...surely every denomination would follow the same Doctrine? Because  different denominations have different versions of the bible, with minor changes...and in some cases, churches have added entire different doctrines to follow along with the bible. Different Churches focus on different aspects of Christianity, and ignore certain bits and, once I took a step back - I started to realise that you can't just pick and choose the parts of God you want to follow. It just doesn't work like that. You have to follow it all. And you have to follow the unchanged word...otherwise...otherwise you may as well be following nothing, because if you're following things that people have added, then in my opinion you're following mans word, not just Gods. 

So yeah. I started reading the Qur'an and everything that I felt was missing in my life as a Christian felt as if it just slotted into place. I wish I could explain in greater detail...but unfortunately I can't. It's indescribable. The Qur'an verse that actually tipped me was 23:12-14.

(12) Certainly We created man from an extract of clay. (13)Then We made him a drop of[seminal] fluid [lodged] in a secure abode. (14)Then We created the drop of fluid as a clinging mass. Then We created the clinging mass as a fleshy tissue. Then We created the fleshy tissue as bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced him as [yet] another creature. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators!

I read that, and I don't know. It just hit me, it hit me that I'm reading an unchanged book, and that is *must* be a message from God...because otherwise how would something you can't see with the bare eye be known 1400 years ago? 
I don't know how to explain just *clicked*, and with that I realised that I'm not a Christian.

So. I went into a stage of denial after that. I got my daughter baptised into the Church of England -because if I'm honest- the thought of reverting terrified me. Christianity was all I've known. I think that's why it was such a huge shock for my family when I finally caved and said the Shahada less than a month later! 

So there it very boring reversion story! I apologise if anyone has had a variation of that in person...Early on in my reversion, I felt so under pressure I probably gave too much detail or missed bits out. 

Friday, 18 September 2015

Erm Hi. I guess.

Erm. Hi. I guess.

Chances are, if you've found this, you've either been told about it by yours truly....or you've been doing some pretty serious internet stalking! If you're stalking me, thanks...I feel a weird stalker type way!

So...for any unfortunate souls that have come across this purely by chance. A brief introduction.
I'm 21, I have a daughter, I'm a revert to Islam, I'm obsessed with Doctor Who and Documentaries,  I write. I write a lot actually. Just nobody really sees it. It's not that I'm bad. Without being big headed, I know I can write. I'm not the best. I'm not the worst. But it's something I enjoy, and something I'm relatively good at. I just don't show it off because certain people find the things I write about concerning. I don't. I write about life. Life sucks at times. It's great at times as well. What of it?

I have no idea what I'm going to put in here. I guess I just needed a space to offload my brain, Because it seems to go at a hundred miles an hour sometimes, Actually it goes that fast all the time! 

There isn't going to be a particular topic, I don't think. I don't like being limited.  Limited is boring. Why have the ability to talk if you have to stick to one topic? I mean...what's the point? 

I don't know how often I'll post. Who knows? I might have forgotten about this in a week or so!

But yeah. 

Bye for now.