Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Dear Christian

So....I've just seen a post where some Christians won't eat anything halal certified...including Vegemite, because they're Christian, and it goes against their God.
I'd just like to say:

Dear Christian,
Please Read the bible, if you haven't already We follow the same God. As do Jewish people. We are the three monotheistic Abrahamic religions. To put that in layman's terms, we all believe that there is one God and Abraham was a key prophet and a friend of God. Ask your pastor if you don't believe me. The thing that splits us is certain key events. Such as Jesus. You believe he is the son of God, I believe he is prophet for example. The stories are parallel, the people the same.
Jesus even taught Christians to prostrate when they prayed. Its in the bible. I've read it.
Abraham - Ibrahim
Mary -Maryam
Joseph - Yusuf
Moses - Musa
Jesus - Isa
Elijah - Ilyas.
Elisha - Alyasa.
Jonah - Yunus.
Zechariah - Zakariya.
John the Baptist - Yahya
Muslims are even taught we have to have the utmost respect of people of the book. Because after all we follow the same God. 

We eat Kosher , as well as halal because that is food the people of the book eat.
Anyway getting onto the "issue" of halal certified. If it's not on a meat product, or something that contains gelatin then it just means its permitted. In the case of Vegemite nothing special has happened to it. They just slapped a sticker on to save us having to read the ingredients. Same with anything safe for vegetarians, it just means there's no pork or alcohol in it.

If you don't want to eat meat because you're scared you're going to catch "The Muslimz" by eating something that has been prayed over, even if we share the same God then that's fine .I'd just hate to see you deprived of 99% of food with your dislike of halal food. Because 99% of food is naturally halal.
Anyway. Dear Christian, now we've cleared that up I hope you have a lovely day. I hope you lose this disdain towards us because we have nothing but love towards you. Asalamualaikum , may peace be up on you.